Wellness Magazine: Improving Wellness by Quitting Smokeless Tobacco
There are many ways to improve wellness. For many of us, the turn of a new year is a time to set forward some changes and continue improving your wellness from where you left off. In essence, the journey to wellness is un-ending and each thing you do connects almost seamlessly to something else.Benefits of Synthetic Nicotine Versus Tobacco-Derived Nicotine
There are many alternatives to chewing tobacco on the market that use food grade ingredients infused with nicotine to replicate traditional smokeless tobacco, or chewing tobacco. The important difference for consumers is the type of nicotine being used. There is tobacco-derived nicotine (TDN), which comes from the tobacco plant, and there is synthetic (tobacco-free) nicotine which is made without the use of tobacco and is instead synthesized in a lab.
Fully Loaded Featured in Wellness Magazine: Smart Reasons to Quit Traditional Tobacco
Everyone knows how harmful cigarettes and tobacco are to health and wellbeing. However, it is far easier for someone on the outside looking in to cast judgment or weigh in with their opinions. To the smoker, smoking is an actual, recognized addiction. And the addictive part of the cigarette or tobacco is, of course, Nicotine.